Livefish Communications


: :  campaign to counteract negative public opinion surrounding a controversial health supplement ingredient

: :  classification system, multilingual communication tools and database structure to communicate worldwide the works of a Florentine master painter

: :  repositioning of the brand of a rapidly growing service agency to communicate integrated capabilities across diverse sectors


What People
Seek and
How They
Look For It

Search Behavior Research

Example of
an Application

Increasing Targeted Traffic

What impact can
this have on
web site traffic?



Understanding people's needs and interests is central not only to creating communications that resonate with audiences but also to planning events and developing services and products that are truly relevant to peoples' lives.

A primary indicator of what interests people is the information they seek. One potential window onto what people are seeking, and also how often and precisely how they go about looking for it, can be provided by examining what is being sought online at the web's search sites.

Search Behavior Trends.  We call this type of research Search Behavior Trend Analysis and we use it to help clients understand various quantitative aspects of audience behavior. Drawing from a dynamic data set of 350 million actual web search queries refreshed monthly, we analyze specific topics in order to understand:

::   Relating to the specific topic or issue, what are the
     most popular search themes
and specific queries

::   What are the relative search frequencies of each

::   How do the seekers' language and terminology
     differ from that used by the experts and insiders

::   What is the universe of related topics
     in which seekers are expressing interest

How can the research be applied?
Search behavior insights can be applied...
-  to guide selection of exhibition and seminar topics
-  to gauge changing public interest (to avoid public relations crises)
-  to refine service offerings
-  to plan new product development
-  to refine communication messages
-  to plan content for print and for the web
-  to position web sites for more targeted traffic

An Example
One example of the application of search behavior insight is the public relations program we recently implemented for a U.S. based organization concerned with the health supplement ingredient chromium.

Background.  Recognizing that this popular but controversial mineral was becoming a key element of the public and medical debate related to diabetes and obesity,our client became concerned about a small but growing amount of distorted information appearing on the web and the effect it might potentially have on public opinion.

They posed the questions:
How can we know how many people are seeing that information?
...and how can we ensure that they also see more objective and balanced info?

Research.  The findings of the search behavior study underscored the relative popularity of web search queries specifically for chromium. It also identified a clear public interest in information related more specifically to chromium's alleged dangers and benefits and for sources of reliable advice. We identified and quantified the relatively large collective appetite for information related to a specific formulation of the mineral known as chromium picolinate. We also identified the many misspellings frequently used by non-scientists and consumers (presumably) attempting to inform themselves about chromium.

Application.  This clearer understanding of not only public interest levels, but also the specific ways in which seekers were attempting satisfy their need for information — which key themes they search and with precisely what language — led to the creation and strategic positioning of much more balanced information. The tactical implementation was achieved through a highly effective Web Search Positioning™ strategy that created a more than 3,000% increase in visibility of the desired content. more


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